Transfer £6,500 British Pounds (GBP) to Hong Kong (Hong Kong Dollars)

The 100% transparency promise means that you can search for the best money transfer deals in full confidence. We produce independent and unbiased comparison on the various options available when transferring money to Hong Kong. Whether you need to make regular overseas transfers, maintenance payments on overseas property or even place a deposit, transfer money to Hong Kong with full confidence you have got the best deal.

Note: it is important to click Quote/Apply through to guarantee the best deals and rates.

Transfer Money to Hong Kong

Compare the world's leading foreign exchange companies

Send Money to Hong Kong at a better-than-bank exchange rate through the comparison tables on It pays to shop around where you can start to make savings of between 3-5% on your international transfers. We have searched the market to bring you a comprehensive list of options when sending money to Hong Kong.

Transfer Money To Hong Kong - Save on Foreign Currency Transfers to Hong Kong

There are many reasons for sending money to Hong Kong on a regular basis. As a major financial hub of Asia, many expats live and work in Hong Kong and are making regular overseas payments. Others are sending money to relatives, importing goods and paying overseas suppliers. However large or small your money transfer is, it is important that you maximise the value of your foreign currency transfer to Hong Kong. If you are exchanging Pounds to HKD (Hong Kong Dollars), exchange rate fluctuations can impact heavily on the end amount received when making a money transfer to Hong Kong. For cheaper money transfer rates and ensuring your transactions are conducted in a timely fashion, speak to an FSA regulated foreign currency specialist. Timing your transactions poorly can lead to losses of thousands of pounds. The providers below will be able to guide you through your transaction and international payment to Hong Kong in a seamless, secure and cost-effective manner.

Compare Money Transfers to Hong Kong - Click Quote / Apply

The better-than-bank exchange rate guide quoted below will save you between 3-5% of the value of your overseas money transfer to Hong Kong.